We invite you to familiarize yourself with the rules of study and other important documents
- Regulations of studies
- Resolution of the Senate No. 1/2019 of the Jozef Dietl Malopolska University in Cracow of 15.06.2019
- Resolution of the Senate No. 2/2019 of the Jozef Dietl Malopolska University in Cracow of 15.06.2019
- Cosmetologist decision
- The decision of Cosmetology II degree
- Dietician decision
- Organizacja roku akademickiego
- Plany studiów dietetyka nst spec. Psychodietetyka
- Plany studiów dietetyka st spec. Psychodietetyka
- Plany studiów kosmetologia nst spec. KPZFM
- Plany studiów kosmetologia st spec. KPZFM
- Regulamin korzystania z infrastruktury badawczej
- Regulamin świadczeń dla studentów
- Regulamin zarządzania prawami autorskimi
- Uprawnienia do prowadzenia kierunku Dietetyka
- Uprawnienia do prowadzenia kierunku Kosmetologia II stopień
- Strona WWW - Polityka prywatności i cookies
- Zarządzenie rektora nr 1/2020 w sprawie ograniczenia działalności uczelni
opinions of our
One thing is certain, the time spent in this university was not sometimes lost-classes at a very high level, probably well prepared me for the profession, because I immediately got a job. For this very good atmosphere and well-equipped halls-a pity that this time so quickly expired!
I moved to this university from another and I see a huge difference between my old school and this one. Here is definitely better attitude to the student, he respects his time and money.
At this school you can rely. There is no problem with reconcing learning with work, because lecturers are very flexible and understanding in the absence of classes.