
dr Wacław Pawliszyn
He finished medical studies at the Faculty of Medicine of the Medical Academy (currently Collegium Medicum of the Jagiellonian University) completed in 1969, he gained the title of doctor of medical sciences
in 1973.
During most of his working life, he worked at the University Hospital in
Krakow. In the years 1983-84 and 1989-90 Polservice he was contract doctor in Iraq.
He has been associated with the Jozef Dietl Malopolska University in Cracow since its establishment.
Author and co-author of 65 scientific publications.
Active in Social activity for the benefit of honorary blood donation, the Golden Badge of Honor of the Polish Red Cross, the Medal of Merit for National Defense.
Interests: tourism, especially in Asia.

dr Anna Stolecka-Warzecha
Doctor of physical culture sciences, adjunct at the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice, Department of Basic Biomedical Sciences.
A graduate of studies: nutrition and supplementation of physically active people, physiotherapy and courses in the field of clinical and sports nutrition. Physical recreation instructor in the following specialties: snowboarding, windsurfing, kitesurfing, aerobics and biological regeneration.
Author of postgraduate studies. Trainer of a healthy lifestyle, books and publications in the field of nutrition in health and disease in Polish and foreign bulletin magazines, editor-in-chief of the scientific quarterly Diet Food Dietary Science and a member of the scientific board at the American Journal of Biomedical Science & Research.
Active lecturer at the University of the Third Age at the Silesian Medical University in Katowice.
An industry expert in the field of health sciences, including nutrition and food at the National Center for Research and Development and the Foundation for Polish Science.
She gained her dietary experience in working with patients during didactic and scientific internships in Polish and foreign research centers. Active sports and clinical dietitian.

dr Patryk Włodarczyk
Master of Chemistry since 2008. In 2012, he defended his doctorate in physics at the University of Silesia in Katowice.
Since 2011, he has been working in the research team of the Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals in Gliwice.
Currently, he is the head of a project funded by the National Science Center entitled “Synthesis of nanomaterials with a high absorption coefficient of electromagnetic radiation in the range of radio waves and microwaves using amorphous dielectric and magnetic materials”.
Author and co-author of 80 scientific publications from the so-called Philadelphia list. He specializes in quantum chemistry and experimental physics.
Non-scientific interests include, among others aquarium hobby and crossfit.

dr Sandra Kryska
Doctor of medical sciences, specialist in public health. Scientific and didactic employee with almost 10 years of experience and Accreditation Coordinator cooperating with health care institutions in the scope of improving and maintaining quality.
Scientific interest: health care management, especially quality in health care and health care law.

Dr n. med. Małgorzata Grzegorzewska - Hiczwa
A graduate of doctoral studies at the Institute of Pharmacology of the Polish Academy of Sciences – in the field of medical biology in Krakow and MA studies in the field of molecular biology at the Faculty of Biology and Earth Sciences of the Jagiellonian University.
A graduate of the Pedagogical College at the University of Technology in Krakow.
Author of many publications and scientific reports.
A long-time lecturer at Jozef Dietl Malopolska University Dietl in Krakow in the fields of dietetics and cosmetology.
Interests: natural medicine, psychology, dietetics, sport, travel, art, dance, photography.

Dr Joanna Gawlikowska
A doctor and passionate about a healthy lifestyle, works in anti-aging medicine, aesthetic medicine and dietetics.
A graduate of the International School of Anti-Aging Medicine run by the world-famous doctor Tierry Hertoghe, where she completed training organized by the World Society of Anti-Aging Medicine (WOSAAM) and the Polish Society of Preventive and Anti-Aging Medicine.
She completed her medical studies at the Collegium Medicum of the Jagiellonian University, and gained qualifications and knowledge in the field of Aesthetic Medicine and Anti-Aging during postgraduate studies in “Aesthetic Medicine for Doctors” at GWSH in Katowice. In her diploma thesis, she presented the influence of diet on the condition and aging of the skin and ways of slowing down the aging processes.
Licensed consultant of the LEAP (Lifestyle Eating And Perfomance) food hypersensitivity program and MRT test, as well as iGenesis genetic testing.
She runs an anti-aging and aesthetic medicine and dietetics clinic Estamedic in Krakow and the SpowolnijCzas.pl website, through which she promotes healthy eating and care for own body and an active lifestyle.

mgr Piotr Pobłocki
Clinical dietitian, psychodietician, sports dietetics enthusiast, lecturer at Jozef Dietl Malopolska University in Cracow and Śląska Wyższa Szkoła Medyczna in Katowice, of which he is a graduate.
Many years of experience in working with patients from all levels of dietetics – from clinical patients and psychodietetics through the nutrition of children, pregnant women, nursing women, athletes, to ordinary nutritional counseling, enriches the professional experience necessary to constantly improve skills in working with patients.

mgr Dominika Czepiel
A graduate of the Jozef Dietl Malopolska University in Cracow, passionate about cosmetology and a healthy lifestyle. She made her passion a way of life.
She worked at a reputable clinic in Krakow. Currently an academic lecturer at Jozef Dietl Malopolska University in Cracow.

mgr Wojciech Wieczorek
English teacher, PhD student at the University of Silesia, lecturer at ozef Dietl Malopolska University in Cracow.
Film music enthusiast and multi-instrumentalist.