The University BOARD
Prof. nadzw. dr hab. n. med. Marek Stępniewski
Rector of Jozef Dietl Malopolska University in Cracow
“I was born on February 5, 1939 in Krakow. The mother was an administrative clerk in Piaski Wielkie, and the father was a state administration clerk.
In the years 1952 to 1956 I was a student of the 1st Secondary School of General Bartłomiej Nowodworski in Krakow. After graduating from high school and passing the entrance exam, I became a student of the Faculty of Medicine at the Nicolaus Copernicus Medical Academy in Cracow. I obtained my doctor’s diploma in January 1963.
As part of the postgraduate internship, I took part in the creation from scratch of a diagnostic laboratory at the 2nd Department of Obstetrics and Women’s Diseases, which was moved for the duration of renovation to Kopernika Street in Krakow. Under the supervision of Dr. Maciej Zgliczyński, I launched a long series of laboratory diagnostic tests necessary for the clinical management of women and newborns hospitalized in the Clinic. It was a very important period in my medical career.
In February 1965, I became a junior assistant, and from October 1, 1966, I started working as an assistant at the Scientific and Research Center of the American Research Hospital In Poland, commonly known as the Institute of Pediatrics of the Medical Academy in Krakow. In the Department of Clinical Biochemistry, into which the Scientific and Research Center was transformed, I went through all levels of my academic career.
After completing the 3-month course “Manipulation and application of radioisotopes in biology and medicine” in Warsaw, I was appointed by the Rector the head of the newly established Isotope Laboratory. As part of my professional career, I completed a six-month internship at Mt Sinai Hospital in New York / July 22, 1967 – January 5, 1968 /. I completed my second training in the USA with a three-month course in the use of radioisotopes in medicine at the Cinncinnati General Hospital. I completed my third internship in the USA in Stony Brook after defending my habilitation thesis.
I worked for 19 years as the head of the diagnostics department of the Department of Occupational Medicine at Collegium Medicum. I introduced modern diagnostic methods on modern equipment sponsored by Huta im. Sendzimir.
Together with Professor Jerzy Jaśkiewicz, we strengthened the Council of the Faculty of Pharmacy of C.M.U.J. I was appointed a university professor on December 1, 2003.
At the Faculty of Pharmacy I was until retirement, which however, did not close my professional activity. From December 1998 I ran a small medical practice, and from September 26, 2006 I was employed as an associate professor at Jozef Dietl Malopolska University in Krakow, where I currently work as the Rector.”

Zaheer Ahmed
Master of Business Administration
Mr Zaheer Ahmed is a British Educational Entrepreneur who has made outstanding contributions to the field of Further and Higher Education in United Kingdom since 2001.
Woven into the fabric of academic leadership and professional mannerism, Zaheer has founded and managed multiple Colleges including London College of Advanced Studies, Birmingham International College amongst others. He was a partner of Cambridge Regional College (Publicly Funded) and is now President of a University based in Poland.
A teacher throughout his career, Zaheer continues to add value to the lives of learners around the globe with his educational demeanour and spirit.
He is responsible for the central teams that look after business development, collaborations and partnerships, public relations, the website, printed publications, digital marketing, alumni relations, and student recruitment. He also works with colleagues across the University to organise events and to showcase Dieltl’s academic excellence to visitors. Mr. Zaheer has defined, distilled and projected the core market proposition and distinctive characteristics of the University and has delivered tangible improvement to the reputation and image of the University regionally, nationally and internationally.
His core skills have been his high-profile leadership, corporate strategy development, human capital and development, strong orientation in finance and marketing. Zaheer has developed educational and business partnerships across continents and holds an MBA Degree from the United Kingdom. He possesses a higher level of expertise in marketing, brand and communication strategy, development and delivery of marketing and recruitment campaigns and educational leadership

Prof. Tony Whitehouse
Professor Tony Whitehouse has been appointed as the Director of Quality Assurance at the Dietl Malopolska University in Cracow. He has led and managed staff and activities related with quality assurance, provided guidance and direction to senior managers across the University. His role is to ensure that the University’s reputation is protected, and that the University is compliant with quality assurance and regulatory frameworks. He plays a leading role in shaping the quality management and regulatory framework in order to promote academic standards of University Awards and the quality of the student experience across all the University’s provision. Tony has a long and distinguished career in education. His objective is ‘to develop world harmony through education’. He was one of the pioneers in the development of computing in education, working initially as a research engineer before being invited to join academia.
He was appointed as a fellow of the British Computer Society in 1985 and a fellow of the Institution of Electrical Engineers in 1987. In 1988 he was appointed as one of the first European Engineers in his field and in 1996 was appointed to a personal chair. In 2001 he was appointed as a fellow of the Higher Education Academy and in 2004 as a Chartered IT Professional. In 1983 Tony moved from the University of Staffordshire to Birmingham City University to develop a new department of computing, together with a portfolio of new courses for the applications of computing. His work both nationally and internationally led to him being appointed to chair national user groups and to the committee of heads and professors group. He has been chair of the board of examiners for he UK professional body for computing and was also invited by the UK Department of Education and Science to report on computing in European Universities.
Prof. Whitehouse has been responsible for developing and then managing many course programmes overseas. Tony has represented his University on many occasions and gained experience of working with the British High Commission, British Council as well as with Ministries of Education across the world. To date his work and his own initiatives have led him to work and visit over 25 countries. He continues his professional work with the British Computer Society and remains a University External Examiner both in the UK and overseas, a specialist Advisor for the Hong Kong Council for Academic Accreditation and a specialist panel member for the Higher Education and Training Awards Council, Ireland.